viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Hold On is My Shower Song

Hold On by @ruskoofficial #MyShowerSong

Labor Day Weekend Music Festivals II

Labor Day Weekend Music Festivals II

From September 1st.


miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Happy Birthday Michael Jackson

Hoy 29 de agosto de 2012 el mundo entero recuerda el cumpleaños número 54 del ‘Rey del Pop’, Michael Jackson , fallecido el 25 de junio de 2009. Sin embargo su legado musical vivirá por siempre.

¡Qué pronto pasa el tiempo!  Ya son tres años de que falleció, uno de los hombres más conocidos y admirados a nivel mundial: Michael Jackson, sin embargo, sus fans siguen festejándole su cumpleaños con homenajes alrededor del mundo. :)

Aquí recordamos al ídolo de millones con estos videos.

 Comenzamos con Behind the Mask Project, que recopila varios videos de sus fans alrededor del mundo.


Video/tema musical: "Black or White"

Dirigido por John Landis (Thriller), se estrenó el 14 de noviembre de 1991. Se transmitió simultáneamente en 27 países, rompiendo todos los récords de audiencia y ha sido el único video musical que llegó a gente que jamás había visto uno.

We Are the World - Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Michael Jackson 

Esta canción/video musical sólo es una muestra de las contínuas campañas de MJ en favor de los desvalidos, en especial los niños de escasos recursos y con enfermedades terminales.

 Video/tema musical: "Bad"

El entretenedor

Ejemplo y razón de ser de miles de artistas alrededor del mundo; Desde Will.I.Am hasta Lady Gaga, bailarines, cantantes y músicos de todo el planeta han concordado en que Michael Jackson fue su inspiración para decidir sus carreras.

Reconocido como el entretenedor más conocido y prolífico a nivel mundial aún después de su muerte, Michael Jackson podría continuar inspirando a generaciones por venir. ¿Habrá alguien capaz de llenar su lugar en términos de talento, éxito e ingresos?

Video/tema musical: "Beat It" & "Billie Jean"

Billie Jean, en su presentación en vivo, mostró al mundo por primera vez el legendario paso "moonwalking". Beat it se convirtió rápidamente en el canto rebelde de la generación ochentera.

Video/ tema musical: "Thriller"

Y como olvidar este video musical el más emblemático, no sólo de Michael Jackson sino de la música pop. Lanzado en 1983.









A Musical Double Take at Lollapalooza

The New York Times was out at Lolla 2012 snapping amazing multiple exposure shots of artists, fans and the overall vibe of the weekend / via:

Into the Black my Shower Song

My Shower Song 

Into the Black by Chromatics #MyShowerSong

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Burning Man Festival

Burning Man 2012

Agu. 27 - Sept 3, 2012

Trying to explain what Burning Man is to someone who has never been to the event is a bit like trying to explain what a particular color looks like to someone who is blind. In this section you will find the peripheral definitions of what the event is as a whole, but to truly understand this event, one must participate. This site serves to try to paint a picture of the Burning Man experience to those who are new to the project, as well as to give those participants looking to keep the fire burning in their daily lives an environment in which to connect to their fellow community members. For a brief yet eloquent overview of the entire event from the time of arrival to the time of exodus, please read "What is Burning Man?", an essay written by participant and one-time web team member, Molly Steenson. Please see archived sections for each year to read more about the art themes, art installations and theme camps for each year. via

Get Free

My Shower Song

Get Free by @majorlazer #MyShowerSong

Follow: @majorlazer

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Apps de la semana

Song Pop tan adictivo como el sexo

Es el juego del momento. Tanto así que hasta el propio Mark Zuckerberg confesó recientemente que era uno de los juegos de Facebook más divertidos que ha jugado en mucho tiempo, pero ¿sabes cuáles son sus niveles de adicción?
Valorie Salimpoor, neurocientífica de la Universidad de McGill en Montreal, estudió el fenómeno un poco más allá de la simple moda, determinando que los efectos del juego se asemejan a las adicciones que producen el sexo, las drogas, apostar o comer.
¿A qué se debe? Al efecto que tiene la música en los seres humanos. La dopamina que libera el cerebro cuando escuchamos música es la clave.

Por lo tanto, si eres de los que está pegadísimos con Song Pop y te preguntabas por qué no lo puedes dejar, aquí encontraste la respuesta.

Y si aun no lo conocías que esperas para comenzar a jugarlo, la dinámica del juego es sencilla, en 5 oportunidades, 2 jugadores tienen que reconocer una canción entre cuatro opciones. Quien acierte más en menor tiempo Gana la partida :) , y una de las cosas que lo hace mas divertido es que puedes retar a un amigo en Facebook.

Referencia : erikatipoweb

Keep it for your Own

My Shower Song 

Keep It for Your Own by @popetcetera #MyShowerSong
Follow: @popetcetera

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Martini Mixtape

For those who would like to take a shower before the night arrives, we want to share this mix created by @memolj

Hope you like it as we did.

The site of the day

We listen to what people say about artists and their music to chart the top 99 songs online right now. Discover New Music
follow: @wearehunted

Site of the day

We like this site because you can not only listen the music according to your mood, the play list is linked to YOUTUBE so in many cases you can listen and watch the original video. 
So try it, for sure you will like it.

Stay by Hurts

My Shower Song 

Stay by @theohurts #MyShowerSong
Follow: @theohurts

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

I try hard

Today´s fav Shower Song

I try hard by @yaelnaim #MyShowerSong 

Follow: @yaelnaim

The site of the day

We know that some times our mood don´t let us listen all the songs we have on our playlist. Well for those days that we want to listen music according to our mood now we have What is 8tracks? 

8tracks is an internet radio network created by people, not algorithms. Know and love your music? Make an online mixtape with 8 (or more) tracks, including a title, visual art and "tags" (genre, mood, activity).
Just want to listen? 8tracks DJs curate the very best playlists on the web, with unmatched variety and depth, giving you exactly the type of music you want and an unparalleled source for music discovery.
Tune in anywhere: web, iPhone or Android


Follow: @8tracks

Come Home

My Shower Song

Come Home by @yaelnaim #MyShowerSong

Follow: @yaelnaim

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012


My Shower Song

Renegade by @STYXtheBand #MyShowerSong Classic
Follow: @STYXtheband

Follow us: @myshowersong

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Stereo Mood

Site of the day

Behind every song there's always an emotion. that's why we love music.
so we've created a way to suggest songs that follow your feelings: stereomood is the emotional internet radio, providing music that best suits your moodhow do i feel? what am i doing now?
Follow: @Stereomood

¡Happy Birthday Madonna!

Las Notas De Ale

Hoy 16 de agosto nació el "fenómeno pop" más importante de las décadas de los ochenta y noventa Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone originaria de Bay City, Michigan,  y mejor conocida como Madonna se ha convertido en la cantante y actriz estadounidense que ha sido capaz de romper cualquier récord en su carrera. 

Y hoy queremos felicitarla por que cumple un año más de vida, así es la reina del pop ya tiene 54 añotes :) y sigue luciendo fantástica.

Aquí te presento los vídeos de estas canciones, las cuales son las más queridas y solicitadas por los seguidores de la ‘Diva del pop'.


Like a Virgin

Ray of Light

Like a Prayer

Madonna se encuentra en plena gira con MDNA Tour y se dirige a romper el récord del 'Sticky and Sweet Tour' (2008), demostrando que las nuevas generaciones de princesas pop no han representado mayor peligro para ella. Así que con todo este largo camino de éxito respaldándola, ¿Quién logrará derrocar a la reina?…

We Should Be Swimming

My Shower Song

We Should Be Swimming by @zuluwinter #MyShowerSong
Follow:  @zuluwinter

FOLLOW US: @myshowersong

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012


The site of the day 

Express your musicality, pump it up and chill!

Take your time to try this site for once, and we are sure you won´t stop trying new mixes, new sounds. Record your mix and share it with the world.

Let us know what you think about our mix

Follow: @incredibox_


My Shower Song

Brokenhearted by @karminmusic #MyShowersong

Follow: @karminmusic

FOLLOW US: @myshowersong

martes, 14 de agosto de 2012


The site of the day 

People often listen to music according to the mood they want, whether to reinforce the state they are in or rather to change it. Musicovery has created a graphical interface to meet this need, the "mood pad": it displays two axes - dark / positive and calm / energetic - axes that are continuous and progressive, and offers an infinite range of moods; every song has a specific position on the mood pad. When rolling over the mood pad, music samples are played, allowing the listener to intuitively find the mood and the music he wants and to launch the program from the desired position. via:
Be a Fan

Sympathetic Vibrations

Soundtrack´s Favorite Song

Sympathetic Vibrations @Paper_Raincoat #SFS #MyShowerSong via @CherryTheMovie #Soundtrack

follow: @Paper_Raincoat

FOLLOW US: @myshowersong



On our weekend movie search, took us to find "CHERRY" a good comedy and if you look for it on Itunes ( USA ) you can rent it for only 1.99 dolars on HD. We liked the movie but we also enjoyed the soundtrack.

follow: @CherryTheMovie

FOLLOW US: @myshowersong

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012

Everyones mixtape

The site of the day 

Everyone's Mixtape's celebrates the art of creating mixtapes. You can add to an existing mix, or start one of your own. Share with the world, your friends, or that girl from science class.

Everyone's Mixtape is not about adding songs and hitting shuffle. It’s about the time you looked at a cassette's length as a challenge. About the time you stayed up most of the night making sure all the tracks flowed from song to song. It’s about the time your heart skipped a beat when the boy from science class handed you your first mixtape.

It's more than a playlist. via

follow @EveryonesMxtape

Olympics closing ceremony playlist

Here´s the complete playlist of Olympics Closing Ceremony

Olympics songs favs

Olympics closing ceremony playlist

If you enjoyed the Olympic closing ceremony we want to share our favorites songs of last night.

Read All About It by @emelisande #MyShowerSong

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Music App

TuneIn Radio App

If you are tired of your local radio or want to try different radio programs around the world. This is the app you need. Try first free option and then, if you liked it get the PRO just for 0.99 USD 

Follow them on twitter @tunein

or visit the site

What About Us? #MyShowerSong

My Shower Song

What About Us?' by @Doug_Paisley

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012

martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

Pascal Lokua Kanza

Surfing on you tube we found to Pascal Lokua Kanza who was born in Zaire. And his sounds take us to imagine the great Africa sounds. For this we took Kanza as #MyShowerSong today

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012

Today´s Soundtrack favs

These are our 3 fav songs of "Take this Waltz" Movie. Hope you like it!!

Take This Waltz by Leonard Cohen

Video killed the radio star by Buggles

Green Mountain State by Corinna Rose & The Rusty Horse Band

Take This Waltz

We rented this movie from apple tv, as a good option for the weekend, and after 2 tries to watch it, we finally did yesterday after lunch.
We liked the movie but there are some songs that make us liked more the movie, so for this reson, "Take this Waltz" is our soundtrack this monday. Watch the movie, enjoy the soundtrack.

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

La fée / My Shower Song

La fée by @isabelleGeffroy good sound from France. Who cares about languaje if the music makes you feel, move or even better make you happy. 

Vive la France

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012